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If you are in Dayton and charged with a crime,
you need to contact Stamps & Stamps to protect you and get results.


Aggressive Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers in Dayton, Ohio

Drunk driving charges can result in serious penalties if you are convicted. In addition to these criminal penalties — mandatory jail time, license suspension, fines, etc. — you could also face automatic administrative license suspension.

In order to protect your interests and your future, you should strongly consider speaking with an experienced and knowledgeable DUI/OVI defense attorney if you have been arrested for DUI/OVI.

At the Dayton law firm of Stamps & Stamps, our criminal defense lawyers relentlessly defend people charged with drunk driving in Ohio. In many of the DUI/OVI cases our law firm has handled, we were able to obtain a dismissal of charges or a reduction to less serious charges that did not involve jail time or a suspended driver’s license. In most of the DUI/OVI cases we have handled, our clients were able to avoid jail time. Contact us to discuss how we can help in your case.

Ohio Drunk Driving Laws

If you are arrested for driving with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher in Ohio, you will face criminal charges for OVI (operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance). This is also commonly referred to as DUI or DWI. Our attorneys at Stamps & Stamps have extensive experience defending people charged with OVI, repeat OVI and underage OVI. In addition, they handle test refusal cases.

Arrested for Drunk Driving? Get Prosecution Experience on Your Side

Firm founder Dana Stamps is a former Ohio prosecutor who understands the weaknesses of an OVI/DUI case. Our Ohio drunk driving defense attorneys will look for technical mistakes in your arrest and challenge the results of field sobriety tests and blood alcohol tests, including the breathalyzer (breath test). For many people arrested for OVI, this is their first contact with the criminal justice system. Our Ohio drunk driving defense lawyers will look for personal factors in your background that will help your case and make a favorable plea bargain more likely.

We offer a free initial consultation to discuss the issues involved in your DUI/OVI arrest.

Free Initial ConsultationContact an experienced lawyer at Stamps & Stamps, in Dayton, Ohio, to discuss your drunk driving defense

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Office Location

Dayton Office:

3814 Little York Road
Dayton, Ohio 45414

PHONE: (937) 247-6447

Toll Free: 877-782-6770 / (877-STAMPS-0)

Text Us: (937) 265-6418

Fax: 937-890-4694

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